Archive for November 29th, 2007


An old friend

November 29, 2007

Sultry Husband spent part of the afternoon cleaning out the garage. It is always amazing to me, the things that you can find in a garage. He found an old friend today. The truly sad part was that M didn’t even remember this toy.

This old friend is the Geo Trax train system. We bought it quite a few years ago, but she never really showed interest in it. The box said that it was for ages 2+ so, I thought that my three year old would enjoy it. The main problem for us was that L was just learning to crawl, and thus would pull the train off the track at every turn. It provided for more fights and screams than happy moments. So, I put it away in a box. When we moved, that box was moved with us. Put in a corner of the garage and forgotten.

When SH found it again tonight, we knew it would be a hit. It was a completely new toy, and the girls were so excited! They are now asking Santa for more track and vehicles for the geo trax system. This is a rather large step away from the ponies and unicorns that have thus far been professed to be the favorite.

Geo trax here we come.
