Archive for October 9th, 2007


Good news

October 9, 2007

Last weekend I had another visit with my Hip doctor. I was very brave because Sultry Husband couldn’t go up with me. I was left to drive that entire way by myself, with the girls. Now, I know that many of you could one up me here, but this is a big deal for me. I didn’t have a single melt down, the girls didn’t have a single potty accident, and we arrived in good spirits. The girls called it our “girlie adventure”. We stayed up there at my parents house for the weekend, and the best part… my sister fixed L’s haircut. YAY! She looks like a little girl again, with a cute little haircut that hides the missing chunks without my having to fix it every other second. Phew.

Now back to my good news. The doctor took some X-rays. He said that there is some “really good growth” around the implant site. Basically, my thigh bone is getting denser and is accepting the new hip. Hurrah! I have all restrictions now lifted from me and I can basically do anything I want!

The first thing I did when I got home was make Applesauce. Heh. I borrowed my mom’s apple sauce maker and her steam canner so I could finally get rid of the rest of these bloomin’ apples. I did an entire box of apples, and came out with 21 jars of applesauce that all sealed! It was a good day. The only downside to the whole thing is that, even though I have no restrictions on my movements, I still have very weak muscles. I have to remember this because I spent the last half of the day in such pain! Not the same kind of debilitating pain that I was in for so long, but the kind of muscle pain that says that you have accomplished something. Worked out too long, or just canned 21 jars of stinking apples. This kind of pain I can handle.