

November 13, 2007

Ever wonder what would happen to a 7 foot tall pile of weeds if you threw a little gasoline on it, followed by one match?

Totally. Freaking. Awesome. That’s what! But then I was always a pyro-maniac in my younger days. Our maintenance guy came over yesterday to see why we had complained about the yard. I usually wait to call them over anything, see if I can fix it myself or whatever. Anyway, the weeds were killing us. They were the extra poky kind. Basically what made us actually call them was when L fell into one of the poky bushes and ended up with stickers all over her body, poor thing.

So, back to the story. Our super cool maintenance guy came over and started piling up the weed bushes after he raked em out of the yard. We ended up with 5 piles, one of which was probably between 6 and 7 feet tall. (Now can someone tell me why I suddenly have Beevus and Butthead stuck in my head? he he fire… he he) I would not personally have doused the thing in gas, but the maintenance guy was in charge, we just ran the hose in case there was a problem.

Seriously from 10 feet away, you could still feel the heat as it exploded. Yes my friends, I did say exploded. Half the huge pile just melted away within seconds. He is coming back tomorrow to finish the job off. I will surly be dreaming of that Woosh!



  1. I don’t know what’s cooler about this story, the totally cool fire or the totally cool maintenance man. Hooray for a great time!!

    You should get that Woosh on video tomorrow.

    Unfortunately, that woosh was a one time thing. Now we just have small piles of leaves and such to burn out. The huge piles are now nothing but a memory and a circle of blackened earth. Man it was cool though!

  2. I guess I had to be there. It sounds very worrisome to me, playing with fire so close to the house. But yay that the weeds are gone.

  3. Cool! We had a burn pile for our trash as a kid that we would get some pretty cool whooshes out of sometimes. 🙂 We were little pyros to – I remember one of our favorite things to do was to take a aerosol hairspray can and throw it in the fire, then dive for cover when the thing exploded – it was way cool. 🙂 Oh the number of things we did when we were down at the burn pile…

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